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My Basket

Checking and updating My Basket

There's an easy way to see what's in your basket from anywhere on®: just click the My Basket button in the upper right hand corner of the page. A window will expand to show you product listings. You can click on links within the window to go to a product page, remove an item, continue shopping or proceed to Checkout. Take your mouse off the window to return to the page.

Clicking Checkout will bring you to a full-page listing of items in your Basket. On this page, you can change item quantity, delete items or save items to your shopping list. You also can review Shipping Rates, our Shipping and Handling Policy and our Return Policy here. If you're ready to purchase the items, sign in if you aren't already. Apply Coupon Codes and ExtraBucks® Rewards coupons at the bottom of the page. Then click Checkout to continue.

Saving items in My Basket

To protect your privacy, you need to sign in to save items for purchase at a later date. Sign in again to see them the next time you shop.

If you've checked Remember Me but haven't signed in, your cart will be cleared after the session ends. Sign in to keep items in your cart for a future visit or to check out during your current visit.

Adding new items to My Basket

Once you find the product you're looking for, click on the Add to Basket button to add the item to your order. A window will appear confirming that the item has been added. Click Continue Shopping to keep shopping or Checkout Now to proceed to Checkout.

Pricing changes for items in My Basket

We'll automatically update your basket to reflect the current price.

Options for out of stock items

Occasionally, an item in your Basket will be temporarily out of stock or quantities might be limited. If an item is limited or out of stock, your order might be delayed until the item becomes available or the out-of-stock item removed. In the case of a limited-stock item, you can modify the quantity of the item you wish to purchase and then proceed to Checkout.

Most Popular Questions

Yes. Just click the My Basket button in the upper right hand corner of the page. A window will expand to show you product listings. You can click on links within the window to go to a product page, remove an item, continue shopping or proceed to Checkout. Take your mouse off the window to return to the page.

Not necessarily. If you've checked Remember Me but haven't signed in, your cart will be cleared after the session ends. Sign in to keep items in your cart for a future visit or to check out during your current visit.